The Togura-Kamiyamada Thinkers
ちょうど、その前の日にmyoko-nojiri.comを作ったNic Klarさんと相談しまして、自分達で戸倉上山田温泉のPortal Siteを作る方向にも動き出しました。行政を待たないで、頼らないでやると。まあ、せっかく、地方事務所と市が声をかけたから、お互いに協力する点で進みたいと考えています。
The Nagano Area Office is under pressure to show some concrete progress in the area of "Inbound" (attracting travelers from overseas). So they hooked up with Chikuma City's Tourism Department and called me in for a meeting. They requested me to put together a think tank with other local foreigners and come up with some proposals.
Well, I am thankful that a) these two government organizations are thinking about Inbound for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen (even if it is out of simple obligation); and b) they asked me to get involved. However, as it often is with goverment offices, there are so many strings attached. One is they are expecting a paper-based end result, such as a wide-area map based on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. While that's useful for guests after they have arrived, the most important factor is to get them here in the first place. For that, our onsen needs an effective presence on the internet, where most travellers go to get information.
Anyways, I hooked up with Robert-sensei, one of my cohorts in making the city's first-ever English pamphlet last fiscal year, and fellow-local Reverand David (I invited the town's CIR, but James went skiing instead), and we brainstormed some ideas. We went ahead and put together a paper-based proposal, but also went further -- a web-based portal site in English for the onsen. I had fortunately just met myoko-nojiri.com's Nic Klar the day before. So rather than waiting for the government, we put things in motion to start a portal site ourselves!
With 2009 finishing off in this dramatic way, I am really looking forward to 2010!