山芋の収穫の時期 It's time for "yama-imo" harvest

2009.11.01: 季節 Seasons



The fields around nearby Matsushiro are full of vines turning yellow like these. Any idea what kind of crop this is? It's called "yama-imo", which translates as "mountain potato". It's kind of cross between a potato and a yam, with a poi-like texture. People commonly grate it into a slimy mess, and mix it in with things like okonomiyaki pizza pancakes (my specialty!).
Because yama-imo grow so deep into the ground, you need really deep, loose soil. And the soil around the river plain of the Chikuma River is apparently ideal. Seeing all these yama-imo plants starting to loose their leaves reminds me that the harvest will start soon, and makes me hungry for okonomiyaki!