伝統的な上田紬の織りに・・・2mの外国人?! A 2-meter tall foreigner at a traditional Japanese silk weaving machine?

2009.07.27: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


About 2 weeks ago, Mari and I went to Ueda to take a tour of Koiwai Tsumugi. The studio carries on the fine silk weaving tradition of Ueda Tsumugi. At the time, I made a reservation to go back and try my hand at the loom to make a wall hanging. We are doing a small remodel on one of our guestrooms with a "tsumugi" (silk weaving) concept. Today I finally got to sit at the loom and try weaving -- for the first time in my life.
The first issue was how to fit my 2-meter tall body into the loom contraption that was designed for little old ladies half a meter shorter than me. I couldn't squeeze my long legs in to press the pedals, so instead I kind of folded them and managed to work the pedals using one foot. But it worked, and with the kind, patient instructions by Karina-san, I got the rhythm down and in no time at all, I finished the wall hanging.
My mom is quite a quiltmaker, and maybe some of her handiwork skills rubbed off on me -- I really enjoyed weaving. And to think I took part of a centuries-old Ueda Tsumugi silk weaving tradition, on a loom made a half a century ago, made it even more enjoyable.
Koiwai Tsumugi offers "Taiken" (Experience) weaving lessons for 2,500 yen (reservations required).

小岩井紬工房のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Koiwai Tsumugi

Tyler's Tsumugi