県EU協会でのインバウンドについての講演 Speech on Inbound issues at the EU Society

2009.07.25: 活動 Activities





Nagano Prefecture's EU Society invited me to speak at their annual gathering today. About 60 people from various industries, including the prefecture's Tourism Department, met to hear the talk. It was a great opportunity for me to voice some of the issues facing "Inbound" tourism and focused on these two:

*Many FIT (Foreign Independant Travelers -- as opposed to group travel) buy a Japan Rail "Free Pass" to cover their transportation needs. However, here in Nagano, there is the Shinano Railway, Naga-Den, Alpico Bus, and many other private transportation lines. Nagano really needs a "Free Pass" for the prefecture.
For example, such a pass would make it easy for tourists to go from Hida-Takayama to Matsumoto. Rather than working to attract tourists from overseas, it would be so much more practical to attract them from the popular Takayama / Kanazawa "Ura-Golden Route" course.

*Many tourist areas are outdated, with more souvenir stands than places of interest and no facilities investment for decades. It's no wonder Japanese tourist numbers are declining. Japanese tourism has evolved. No more groups going to famous places for "status" -- it's individuals travelling with people they want to be with, to places they want to go to, to do things they want to do.
The problem is, some of these tourist areas think they can make up for the drop in Japanese tourists by attracting ones from overseas. But why should foreigners buy a product that Japanese won't buy?!?! Instead, they should focus on developing their areas to meet modern tourism needs.

Today's Shinmai newspaper had an article about the speech, but unfortunately they didn't mention the above two points. Perhaps my opinion is too confrontational?