今日から梅雨;今日からあじさい Hydrangea Blooming Marks the Start of Rainy Season

2009.06.11: 季節 Seasons




Today is the "official" start of the "tsuyu" rainy season in Nagano. As if on schedule, the hydrangea in Kamesei's garden started blooming today.

I'm always amazed how everything in Japan seems to run on such a tight schedule -- everything from the shinkansen bullet trains to our garden's hydrangea blooming for tsuyu!

One other thing for which I'm grateful in Japan is that tsuyu only lasts for about 1 month. Back in my home town of Seattle, rainy season started around the first of January, and runs through, well, the last day of December. That's right -- it's rainy all year long. For some people, all the rain got depressing (my wife Mari put up with it for the 11 years we lived there). But for me, I find a light rain fall to be relaxing. The rain makes for lots of greenery around. (Of course, I don't like downpours, but Seattle's typical mist-like rain always felt comforting.)


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