信州らしいりんごの花 Typical Nagano Scene: Apple Blossoms

2009.04.20: 季節 Seasons


Here in Nagano, after the cherry trees finish blooming come the apple blossoms. And here in Kamiyamada, there are lots of apple orchards. I always look forward to eating fresh-picked apples in September and October. And although apple blossoms aren't as showy as cherry blossoms, since the flowers come out at the same time as leaves do, I personally think they are attractive. And for me, they really represent Nagano.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

河童、忍者、つけば:本年度スタート Kappa, Ninjas, Tsukeba and Oni -- 2009 Starting Dates

2009.04.19: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


河童・上高地 Kappa * Kamikochi
今年は雪が少なくて、上高地までの道はノーマルタイヤーで既に通れますが、正式的のオープンは4月27日です。その月曜日に第41回 上高地開山再が行います。スイスホーン(?!)で盛り上がります。
The Kappa (water sprites) of Kamikochi officially come out of their hibernation on the 27th of April every year. This year, the snowfall in the Alps has been less than average, and the road to Kamikochi is already snow-free. Kamikochi will hold its 41st annual official "Opening of the Mountains" festival, complete with Swiss horns, on Monday the 27th.

上高地の情報はこちらClick here for info on Kamikochi

つけば Tsukeba Fish Shacks

Even people with the strongest aversion to river fish should be able to appreciate eating just-caught fish served in a Tsukeba river shack along the shores of the Chikuma River. Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's main Tsukeba, "Shomura", opens for business this season on the 20th of April, and will serve "haya" and "ayu" prepared in various ways in their multi-course meal (prices 2000~3000 yen per person). Shomura will be open from 10am to 10pm until mid summer. You can make reservations through Kamesei.

正村つけば Shomura Tsukeba Tel (080)5109-8901

忍者・戸隠 Ninjas * Togakushi
Togakushi's ninjas came out of their winter hibernation on the 18th of April. That's when the Togakushi Ninja Center opened for business for the year. At the Center, there is a ninja artifacts hall, a shuriken range, and a ninja fun house, where you go through the building finding the secret doors from room to room.

詳しくは忍法センター Ninja Center Tel(026)254-2395

鬼:鬼押し出し Oni * Oni Oshi Dashi
An Oni is a Japanese ogre. On the flanks of Mt. Asama is an area that looks like a bunch of volcanic matter was pushed out of the mountain by an oni, hence the park's name, "Oni Oshi Dashi". It is a fascinating example of geological forces at work. The park has been open since March -- apparently that's when the oni hibernation ended.
Easy access from Karuizawa.

鬼押し出し園のHPはこちらClick here for the Oni Oshi Dashi website

子供100人分の笑顔 100 Kids' smiles

2009.04.18: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Misaki hunting Easter Eggs

Our town's 4th annual Easter Egg Festival was held today along the banks of the Chikuma River in front of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Approximately 100 kids participated in the egg hunt and other egg and bunny related games. Kamiyamada Hotel's Toshiki-san brought his horses and provided horse buggy rides. Our chef and his buddy volunteered to cook up the eggs used in the games. We had a kebob vendor come, too. I got the inns in town to provide bath passes for the participants as well. It was so much fun for everyone! It was a lot of work being the organizer, but thanks to everyone's help, we managed to get smiling faces on 100 kids -- I'd say it was worth it!

お出かけ営業@白馬 Sales Trip to Hakuba

2009.04.17: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

というわけで、今日は久しぶりに白馬に行ってきました。改めて、白馬村から見えるアルプスの素晴らしさに感動しました。本当に自然に恵まれている。そして、やはりオーストラリア人の影響で色んな個性のあるお店がある。お昼はこのUncle Steven'sで食べました。さすが白馬、Funkyなお店です。
白馬のFunkyな、個性のあるお店のガイドブックもあります。白馬へ行けば是非、手に入れてください:白馬のEssential Guide.

Today, I went on a sales trip to Hakuba. I am hoping to share the traditional Japanese onsen ryokan experience of Kamesei with others from overseas. One short cut is to try to appeal to the Australian and other foreign skiers that flock to Hakuba in the winter.
It had been a little over a year since my last trip to Hakuba, and once again, I was mesmerized by how huge Hakuba Mountain and the Japanese Alps are when viewed from the base at Hakuba Village! Hakuba is truly blessed with outstanding nature.
Hakuba is also blessed with a wide variety of funky shops and restaurants. I had lunch at Uncle Steven's, a Tex-Mex joint. With cool restaurants like Uncle's, I can see why Hakuba is popular for apres ski also.
If you go to Hakuba, make sure to pick up a copy of the Hakuba Essential Guide. It is a great list of Hakuba's funky offerings.

Uncle Steven's website is here.

Essential Guide publisher, Hakuba Tourism's website is here.

亀清の売店の改善 Improving our Souvenir counter

2009.04.16: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




*たからや 民芸品や地元の焼き物「更科焼き」
*島屋 甘露煮
*中村 信州味噌
*笹鈴 温泉まんじゅ
*光文堂 レトロなおもちゃ
*西沢書店 信州の本の色々



Using an idea I got from another inn, I made a small improvement on Kamesei's souvenir counter. I threw away the ugly plastic signs we used to have, and wrote new signs on this cool "washi" (traditional Japanese paper). Of course, I added English, too.

Our souvenir selection is minimal on purpose. We want our guests to put the wooden geta on their feet and stroll around town, checking out the various stores as they walk around. Some of the interesting shops are:

*Takaraya -- local "Sarashina-yaki" pottery
*Shimaya -- local "kanroni" marinated river fish
*Nakamura -- Nagano miso paste
*Sasasuzu -- manju sweets using adzuki red been paste
*Kobundo -- stationery store with lots of retro stuff
*Nishizawa Books -- lots of books on Nagano
and more!

Here at Kamesei, the souvenirs we offer for sale are kanroni from Shimaya, typical Nagano tea sweets Yubeshi and Raicho-no-sato, as well as some heritage purple rice grown by a local handicap center. We can also order manju from Sasasuzu.

Be sure to take home a souvenir to remind you of your trip to Togura-Kamiyamada!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

柔らかい葉っぱ "Yawarakai" Leaf

2009.04.15: 日米関係Culture Shock

Not a fig leaf, but still the same.






Nagano's Ryokan Junior Association held its General Meeting in Matsumoto today.

So why is the image picture a leaf?

I'd like to ask Yamada-san of Shibu Onsen, but unfortunately he probably doesn't remember.

It was his "graduation" celebration from the Junior Assoc. From now on he will be in the parent association. In order to properly divest himself from his Junior colleagues, he apparently felt the need to divest himself of his clothing. Hence the leaf. Perhaps a bit too small, but it did the job. Yamada-san successfully graduated. Congratulations!

(Japan sure has some interesting rituals...)


あんず、桜、今度は桃の花、@川中島 First the apricot, then cherry, now Peach Blossoms, @ Kawanakajima

2009.04.14: 季節 Seasons


The apricot blossoms in Mori "Anzu no Sato" are gone, the cherry blossoms around Togura Kamiyamada Onsen have almost all fallen, so what's next? The peach blossoms! However, you don't hear about people doing hanami under the peach trees. I guess it's because everyone likes the trees for their fruit more than their flowers. And in this area, we have all the delicious, juicy fruit from the peach trees in nearby Kawanakajima district. I can't wait to eat those peaches this summer!


2009.04.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


Behind Kamesei Ryokan is Chuo Park. Every year around this time, it turns into a cherry blossom wonderland, and comes alive with hanami parties. Yesterday I attended one such flower viewing party with the Kamiyamada Okagura group. We performed a lion dance, and then proceeded to kick back and enjoy the cherry blossoms. In the group next to us, a younger guy pulled out a niko, a traditional Chinese stringed instrument, and performed some songs for everybody. The combination of the beautiful flowers and the elegant music was sublime. This was one of those "This is why I came to Japan" deals.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

Okagura's hanami Part 1 at Arato Castle

渋い獅子舞 Exotic Lion Dance

2009.04.12: 上山田お神楽 Kamiyamada Lion Dance

In my previous life, I once assisted at a photo shoot involving moving a grand piano to the top of a hill overlooking a lake. The dramatic setting, with the Seattle skyline in the background, with the exotic grand piano, was sooooooo cool.
Today I was reminded of that. Our Kamiyamada Okagura group did a performance at Arato Castle above Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The setting, with the onsen town and the Chikuma River valley in the background, in the cool castle setting, and our flashy okagura group, was just too cool.
I'm sure the guests of the castle were surprised to see the lion dance, but I think we succeeded in livening up the castle, one of Chikuma City's heritage sites.

荒砥城のHPはこちらClick here for info on Arato Castle (in Japanese only)


荒砥城のの塀の一部は去年に新しくしなおされた。Part of Arato Castle's was replaced last year

Lion Dance under the Cherry Trees

スイッチバックの上の満月 Full Moon over the Switchback

2009.04.11: その他 Miscellaneous


Nearby Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is Obasute Station, which features a spectacular night view. I often take guests there after their dinner for a special "Obasute Night View / Local Legends" tour. Last night's was especially nice with the added drama of the full moon. I asked our guests to take some pictures for the new Kamesei Ryokan brochure we are making. I want to thank Kinoshita-san, Satoh-san and Shibahara-san for their cooperation!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

Showing the guests the night view from Obasute