花より団子より。。。アイス Apricot Blossoms and ... Ice Cream!

2009.04.08: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


One of the things I've looked forward to every year after moving to Nagano is seeing the apricot blossoms in Mori's Anzu no Sato (Apricot Village). I really like the pastoral setting and the delicate blossoms of the apricot trees. It's one of those "This is why I came to Nagano" experiences. Today, Mari and I went with our #2 son Kenny to enjoy the blossoms. The weather was great, and Kenny and I enjoyed a fun moment eating apricot ice cream together.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.


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