亀清旅館の今までの一番国際的な夜 Our most international evening ever at Kamesei

2009.04.05: 活動 Activities

Dr. Sverdlov and Co.


Here at Kamesei Ryokan, our customer base is gradually getting more and more international. Still around 98% of our guests are Japanese, but tonight we had the most foreigners ever. There was a Japanese-American from California, a Singaporean from Portland, a Singaporean from Singapore, a 3rd generation Chinese from Hawaii, and this group of 8 Russians from Israel.
The Russkies impressed us with their warmth and friendliness. After dinner, they went to see the geisha drag show at Taisho-kan. They came back with grins on their faces. And judging by all the pictures and video they took of Kamesei, I'd say they liked our inn.


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