2008年度事業報告 2008 Activities Report

2009.04.05: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

As a member of the Junior Ryokan Assoc., I am obligated to make a yearly report of my activities. This year's is as per above. My theme for 2008 was "Social Contributions", and my greatest achievement was pulling off the Nagano Inbound Summit, a gathering of 100+ people dealing with foreign travellers here in Nagano. My biggest achievement here at Kamesei was putting in our 2nd outdoor bath. I also listed our many TV, magazine and newspaper appearances, as well as my speaking engagements. This year's theme is "Study", primarily through joining the Junior Ryokan Assoc. on the national level. Wish me luck!

次男が学生に #2 Son Enters School

2009.04.05: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

1st Grader Kenny


Our Number Two son, Kenny, entered Kamiyamada Elementary School. Last Friday was the official ceremony, and this morning was his first time for the new 1st graders to walk with the older kids to school.
Normally with this blog I would take this topic to a more serious tangent, like how anal the official ceremony was, or how I've been selected as an outside consultant for the school. But nah, today is Kenny's day, and I'll leave it at that.

Kenny's 1st Walk to School

亀清旅館の今までの一番国際的な夜 Our most international evening ever at Kamesei

2009.04.05: 活動 Activities

Dr. Sverdlov and Co.


Here at Kamesei Ryokan, our customer base is gradually getting more and more international. Still around 98% of our guests are Japanese, but tonight we had the most foreigners ever. There was a Japanese-American from California, a Singaporean from Portland, a Singaporean from Singapore, a 3rd generation Chinese from Hawaii, and this group of 8 Russians from Israel.
The Russkies impressed us with their warmth and friendliness. After dinner, they went to see the geisha drag show at Taisho-kan. They came back with grins on their faces. And judging by all the pictures and video they took of Kamesei, I'd say they liked our inn.