In between Kamiyamada and neighboring Sakaki Town is 793 meter tall Iwaido Mountain. It has an almost perfect pyramid shape, just like a "omusubi" (rice ball), and is nicknamed "Omusubi-yama". Today being Showa Day, a national holiday, I took our sons and hiked up to the top.
On the way up, we saw several wild mountain cherry trees in bloom, and there were lots of "sansai" wild mountain vegetables at the top. Besides great views of the Chikuma River valley below, there was also the remains of a signal fire station from the Warring States Era.
We can see Omusubi-yama from our inn's second floor rooms, but this was the first time from me to see our inn from the mountain!
Access With a 4WD vehicle, you can drive to within 1km (30 min.) of the top via the fire road on the Kamiyamada side. If not, start hiking from Shonai Shrine, Kamiyamada. Closest Bus Stop: Chikaraishi 4-Kumi Shukaisho.
アクセス 4WD車なら上山田側からの林道で頂上から1kmのところまで上がれます。そうじゃない場合は上山田の庄内神社(バス停:力石4組集会所)から登れます。
信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

頂上から見える千曲川The view of Chikuma River from the Top

亀清旅館があっちKamesei Ryokan is over there!

頂上までの最後の勝負 The last struggle to the top

おむすび山 Omusubi-yama

おむすび山の上でおむすびを食べているEating Omusubi rice balls at the top of Omusubi-yama