亀清の庭及び森の杏: 新着情報 Flower News from Kamesei's Garden and Mori "Apricot Village"

2009.03.20: 季節 Seasons

客間「千歳」の坪庭にChristmas Rose



In the "tsubo" pocket gardens off our "watari-roka" passageway, the Christmas Rose plants are starting to fully bloom. They have a subtle, unpretentious charm to their flower -- it perfectly matches the relaxing mood of our inn.

In other flower news, the Apricot Village in Mori on the other side of town is gearing up for the Apricot Festival, scheduled to take place from 04-April to 17-April. However, I just heard from my Mori "connection" that the buds on the branches are already starting to open. That's right -- Mori's apricot blossoms will be in peak form for viewing about a week ahead of their official festival. March 28th, 29th weekend should be perfect, and the crowds won't start until the weekend after! (For anyone wishing to stay the night, we still have rooms available the weekend of the 28th!)

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

Picture courtesy of Robert Grey


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