Masuo-san filling us in on Zenkoji's stories
As seen on local TV yesterday, and in the local newspapers today, one of the shukubou's of Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City, Tokugyoubou, has started a new program to introduce Japan's culture and tradition to foreigners.
Some of the Nagano Inbound Summit participants and I went to Zenkoji today to "experience" the new Experience Tour. We started out at Tuzukiya, a kimono shop in Gondo, Nagano's main shopping arcade.
There, female guests would be able to try on a kimono. Guys, too, could wear a 'hakama'. Japanese clothing traditionally only comes in M and L sizes, so unfortunately none would work for me.
While still wearing the kimono, the group then would proceed to Zenkoji Temple. The kimonos fit right in to the neighborhood's traditional feel, with the cobblestone streets and traditional architecture. And they also serve to remind regular Japanese how beautiful kimonos are.
With this program, an officially licensed English-speaking guide accompanies the group and explains why exactly such a huge temple is located way out here in Nagano City. The temple is full of history and lore, and Masuo-san, our guide today, can gladly explain it all.
After visiting the temple, the group returns to Tokugyoubou for a traditional tea ceremony, all while still wearing kimonos. Then everyone changes back into their regular clothes and partakes in a shojin-ryouri lunch, the traditional Buddhist vegetarian cuisine. That is followed by a trip to a side temple for zazen meditation.
Tokugyoubou is making a great effort to bring Japan's rich culture and Zenkoji's history and tradition to foreigners. We here at Kamesei applaud their efforts.
つづきや着物 Tsuzukiya Kimonos
ガイド増尾さんMasuo-san the Guide

tea ceremony setting

Buddhis Vegetarian Meal

Kimono Shop