悪いけど、日本の温泉文化はやはり最高 Sorry, but Japan's Onsen Customs are Simply Sublime

2009.02.20: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Snowflakes and steam lit by the andon 行灯の光で雪と湯気






When I built the "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath, it was for the enjoyment of our guests. We, of course, get to use it, too, every day. Tonight was one of those magical onsen moments. The weather lately has finally become winter-like, and so tonight's outdoor bath was accompanied by snow.

Sublime. Simply sublime.

This is as good as the Japanese onsen gets. The strong sulfur smell, the yu-hana minerals floating in the bath, the steam coming off the bath and being lit in the andon lantern, the soathingly warm water, and being able to stick your tongue out and catch snowflakes.

This is it.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちら Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

善光寺御開帳記念サーカス Zenkoji Gokaicho Memorial Circus

2009.02.19: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


Two years ago while national TV broadcaster NHK was showing their Fuurinkazan year long historical drama, we here at Kamesei Ryokan put on a special package included guided tours of Arato Castle which NHK used for some of the show's scenes. Our guests enjoyed the added bonus of seeing the castle.
This year, in April and May, Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City will hold their once-every-seven-years "Gokaicho". For this major event, I once again wanted to provide something special for our guests, and I've been striving to think of what would be appropriate. This will be my first time to experience the event, so I'm at a double disadvantage. I have a "connection" at Zenkoji and asked him for help, but he said "no way" -- they're absolutely slammed for the entire two months. This really is a big deal. So I've been thinking, and thinking ... zazen meditation? Buddhist cuisine? ...
Then I spotted a flyer in the newspaper for a special Zenkoji Gokaicho Memorial Circus. Now, why didn't I think of that sooner? It will take place from 20-March through 24-May near the new Chikuma Station scheduled to open in March. What the heck a circus has to do with Zenkoji, I have no clue, but if you contact us by 10-April, we can get reduced rate tickets: Adults 2700yen --> 2200yen, Children 1500yen --> 1200yen. Come and enjoy the circus after your pilgrimmage to Zenkoji!

幅違い:冠着橋 Varrying Widths: Kamuriki Bridge

2009.02.18: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Getting Wider, and Wider, and Wider, and...

A relative of ours that's in the construction industry once told me that one of the things they have the most pride in building is a bridge.
But one of the things that's difficult about bridge building is the river doesn't always stay put. So what happens when the river you built a bridge over shifts its channel? You extend the bridge to cover the river's new position. And if the river changes again? You extend the bridge again? And another change? Another extension.
Another tricky thing about bridge building is government building code tends to change, especially regarding the required width of the bridge. A long time ago, when there were few cars on the road, you could get away with a one-lane bridge. But as the years go by, the minimum width restrictions get increasingly wider.
So that's why.
(Why what, you ask?)
Oh, I neglected to mention that this picture is of Kamuriki Bridge, just downriver from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. This is the west end of the bridge, where it is a 1-lane deal. As you cross the bridge, the width changes. 4 times
If you want to experience a bridge that changes width 4 times, you'd better hurry. Nagano Prefecture is building a replacement for this inconvenient (?) bridge next to the existing one.
That means we're losing another funky bridge from the world.

4 different widths on one bridge!

海外HPにも評価が高い "Top Rated" from overseas guests, too

2009.02.17: メディア Media

そして、海外からの旅行者の利用しているhostelworldからこのTop Ratingを受賞致しました。
Kamesei Ryokan is a small inn, so we have to try that much harder on the little things to make our guests happy. The results are starting to add up in the form of favorable reviews from our guests.
Our customer ratings with Jalan, Japan's largest domestic ryokan reservation website, are as of today (out of a total of 5 points): 4.5 Overall, 4.4 Breakfast, 4.7 Service, 4.3 Bath, 4.7 Dinner, 4.0 Cleanliness; only our Room ranking, 3.7, is low.
With Members Club Yuko Yuko, from their next catalog we will have favorable rankings for Service, Meals and Bath; only Room will be missing.
Now, we also received "Top Rated" marks from our main overseas booking agent, hostelworld.com.
We thank everyone for their support, and we plan on redoing several of our rooms' gardens this summer to hopefully allow our guests to enjoy the rooms more.

亀清の亀が太陽を浴びに出てきた Kamesei's turtle came out to sun

2009.02.16: 季節 Seasons

灯篭の右に亀が泳いでいます。Turtle swimming to the right of the lantern

In Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa inner garden, there are 4 or so turtles living in the koi pond. Normally they are hibernating this time of the year, but today's temperature was unseasonably warm. One of the turtles woke up to soak in the sun. He'd better enjoy it while he can -- it's supposed to snow later this afternoon.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

日経MJ取材 Article in the Nikkei MJ Newspaper

2009.02.16: メディア Media


Today's Nikkei MJ Marketing Journal carried an article about Kamesei Ryokan. It talked about how we are trying to appeal to travellers from abroad, not only for our inn but for the town and the prefecture, as well. And about how we are using some Western ideas to preserve this traditional Japanese inn. I want to thank Tajima-san for a well-written article.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

千曲市のチャリ中心:Cafe自転車や Chikuma City's Cycling Central:

2009.02.15: サイクリング Cycling

こんな小さい自転車でも動く! This little bike works!

In the Yashiro district of Chikuma City is this funky restaurant, Cafe Jitenshaya. Jitensha means bicycle, and the owner in his previous life rode a bike around Australia. His shop shows his passion for 2-wheelers, with bicycle-themed decorations galore.
The Chikuma Cycle Club is in the process of making new cycling jerseys, and all the members are having to go to Jitenshaya to try on different sizes. So I took our 2 boys, and we rode our bicycles to the bicycle-themed restaurant, grubbed out on great Mexican, and had a lot of fun! I want to thank the owner for providing such an enjoyable restaurant.

姨捨正宗09年酒出来上がりお祝い Obasute Masamune Celebrating their '09 Sake

2009.02.15: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada



Our local sake brewer, Obasute Masamune, celebrated their '09 sake with a banquet here at Kamesei. I went to the brewery to pick up some of the guests. Their brewery is so cool. It is located on the Zenkoji Kaido, the Edo-era road between Nagano and Matsumoto. The buildings and the garden of Obasute Masamune's complex all retain the feel of the Edo period.
This year, they made the special effort to use only rice from the Obasute terraced rice fields, and only water from a local natural spring. Made with pride locally using local ingredients. Kamesei in turn serves only Obasute Masamune sake. It complements well the cooking by our Chef Takei. Come and try it!

詳しくはDetails at: www.obasute.co.jp



逆チョコReverse Chocolate

2009.02.14: 日米関係Culture Shock

Happy Valentines Day!
The other day, a couple of lady guests gave me this chocolate, presumably for Valentine's Day. I was a bit surprised. For me, February 14th is when guys give their girlfriends chocolate, or roses, or maybe lingerie. Here in Japan, the tradition is for ladies to give guys chocolate, especially home-made chocolate. Then, one month later, there is White Day for guys to reciprocate. (Never heard of March 14th being White Day? Neither had I until coming to Japan. Clever marketing on behalf of the chocolate makers here, eh?)
A show on TV here mentioned that "Reverse Chocolate" is gaining in popularity. That is where guys give ladies a gift on Valentines Day. Hmm, so that's what I've been doing all these years? I was just ahead of the trend! (By the way, this year, my Valentine's Day gift to Mari is going to have to wait a week and half. That's because U2's new album will be released on the 25th.)

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

藁の馬@上山田保育園 A Straw Horse at Kamiyamada Preschool

2009.02.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Ride 'em Kenny


I went to go pick up our #2 son, Kenny, from Preschool. Outside the office there were these two horses made of straw. There is a group of elderly gentlemen that get together from time to time to make traditional straw crafts such as this. Not only do they get to pass on Japan's traditions, but the kids enjoy it too.