Fresh out of the oven
We had nice fall weather up until yesterday. I took advantage of it and made good progress on painting the surroundings of our 2nd outdoor bath that I am starting to build. I was planning on more painting today, but it clouded up and started to rain. So, what is there to do on a rainy day? Bake cookies, of course!
My mother gave me a recipe for oatmeal cookies, and I bake them to give to our guests with their tea. Our guests this evening were fortunate -- their cookies came right out of the oven. One guest asked if we sell the cookies. I told him no, that they're only for people who come and stay with us. He said I was a clever businessman. I didn't intend it that way -- it's just if I sell a bunch, that means I have to make a bunch more. And that means waiting for another rainy day...
信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen in Nagano
クッキーのレシピーはこちらClick here for the cookie recipe