ガーデニングブームから町興し Gardening Civic Boom

2008.10.11: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


「町興し」と「ガーデニング」;両方ともが流行っています。昨日、その2つをつなぐ講演が小布施で行われました。国土交通省がスポンサーで「観光カリスマ」及び元小布施町長唐沢彦三さんやNHKの「趣味の園芸」キャスター 須磨佳津江さんなどの話を聞いてきました。
小布施の町興しが20年前から始まっています。皆はそれぞれの意見があったが、取り敢えずは庭と言う共通点から始まったと。そして、市民が定期的に欧米へ勉強の旅をしたら、Open Gardenの発想が出ました。今は住宅100件以上が庭を観光客に見せています。人に見せ始まったら、どんどんと綺麗んにしていく。そうすると、町全体が面白くなる。町が面白くなれば、観光客が来はる。というのが小布施のおもてなし現象です。
"Civic Development" and "Gardening" are two popular ideas currently. Yesterday I attended a conference sponsored by MLIT that combined the issues. It took place in nearby Obuse Town, which has been actively pursuing civic development for over 20 years, lead by an Open Gardens movement. Currently over 100 homes have their gardens open to the public for viewing. Some of the ideas that came out of the conference were how civic leaders have such varying ideas, it's important to start from a common ground. In Obuse, that was gardening. When you open your garden to outside viewers, you naturally want to make improvements. The overall effect is for a more beautiful town, which in turn draws tourists.
While some areas of Obuse have a unique, only-in-Obuse feel (like the Chestnut Lane I wrote about in a previous entry), "gardening" in Japan tends to be Western style -- roses, peonies, etc. I don't think that would match the overall style of our traditional onsen town here at Togura Kamiyamada. So what would work here? Kamesei and several other inns have very presentable 'naka-niwa' Japanese-styled gardens. How about an Open (Japanese) Garden tour of the various inns in town? Would you readers out there be interested in such a tour?


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