戸隠の紅葉の始まりStart of Togakushi's Fall Colors
With our son having a day off from school tomorrow (a post Sports Day holiday), Mari and I took the kids for yet another drive. Today's destination: Togakushi!
We saw the start of Togakushi's famed fall colors,
Ate delicious soba (Yamaguchi-ya's Ninja Soba is the best!)
Played at the Ninja Center (the kids especially love the ninja fun house)
and, for the first time, checked out the Togakushi Fossil Museum. There, we learned why there are sea creature fossils on 2000-meter Togakushi Mountain, yet 20 kilometers away in Omachi there are foot prints from dinosaurs that roamed China.
Togakushi is approx. 1.5 hours from Kamesei by car or by train/bus combination.
戸隠観光協会のHP(紅葉情報も)はこちらClick here for Togukushi Tourist Info, including updates on fall foliage
山口屋そばのHPはこちらClick here for Yamaguchi-ya soba restaurant website
戸隠忍法センターの情報はこちらInfo on Togakushi Ninja Center here (Sorry - no English)
戸隠地質化石館のHPはこちらClick here for Togakushi Museum of Natural History website
Note: Discount tickets for Yamaguchi-ya, Ninja Center and Fossil Museum available at Kamesei.

Spy Photo of Togakushi Ninja Fun House and Shiriken Range (Now 10% Off!)

Ninja Soba at Yamaguchi-ya