紗幸さんと戸倉上山田温泉の芸者のコラボレーションSayuki Colloboration w/ Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Geisha

2008.08.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Sayuki Symposium

As part of our on-going projects to revitalize Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, Sayuki-san, a geisha from Asakusa (and Japan's first foreigner geisha) came to do a colloboration with our town's geisha guild. In order to address the problems of too few new geisha and the misconceptions between the innkeepers and the guild, yesterday had 3 young ladies try out being geisha for a day, and this morning we had a symposium with Sayuki-san, innkeepers, and the geisha guild. To me, it's important to work hard to protect the culture of Japan's onsen ryokans (which is one of the main reasons I came to Kamesei), but equally as important to maintain Japan's geisha culture, too. That's one of the reasons I introduced Sayuki-san to this onsen.

Sayuki being a role-model for the 3 trial geishas

Geisha parlor games


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