Monthly Archives: 7月 2008
亀が逃げようとしている Runaway turtle
2008.07.17: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan女将社長の「あっ!」と言う声で飛んで行ったら、中庭の池から逃げた亀が亀清の廊下を歩いていた。お風呂へ行こうとしていたかな?
Our Okami-san screamed, and I went to go see what happened. It turned out one of our turtles from the naka-niwa garden koi pond had escaped and was walking down Kamesei's corridor. Maybe making a break for the mineral bath?
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
夏祭り:下駄供養 宿泊者に感謝 Geta Offering in Honor of Our Town's Guests
2008.07.16: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada日々の「どうやってお客様に来ていただくか」の努力の中で「来たお客様に感謝」と言うことが忘れちゃうことが多いです。それで、上山田温泉夏祭りの一部で「下駄供養」が行います。今日はこの一年間でお客様が利用した下駄を集まって、水天宮の横で設置しました。今週末の祭りで供養します。
When one's daily routine is based around how to attract more customers, it's easy to forget to be thankful for the guests who have come. As part of this weekend's Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival, the other ryokan owners and I perform a special Geta Offering. We gather the wooden sandals that our guests have used throughout the year, and offer them up in thanks.
I'd like to take this time to thank all of Kamesei's guests from the previous year. Arigatou!
上山田温泉は本格的なお湯!Kamiyamada's Onsen is the real thing!
2008.07.16: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan日本は全国的に温泉があるけど、その中で「なんちゃった」のもある。上山田温泉は硫黄泉で香りも感覚も温泉らしいお湯です。この間、それの証拠が出来る例がありました。
Japan is blessed with onsens all over the country. However, many are of questionable quality. Togura Kamiyamada's is a sulfur hot spring, and is the real deal. We recently had a couple of guests who exemplified just how good our onsen is.
Over the weekend, we hosted a 91-year old lady who had to be wheelchaired from the lobby to her guest room due to weak legs. However, the next morning, she walked to the lobby. I asked about the wheelchair, and she said that thanks to soaking in our mineral bath, her legs felt good enough to walk!
Another guest had a rare allergy. Her research said our onsen would be good for her condition, so she came to stay the night. The next morning when I went to put away her futons, she was sound asleep. Apparently her allergy usually causes her to wake up every two hours, but thanks to our onsen she didn't wake up at all. She even decided to extend her stay 2 nights.
We don't say that Kamiyamada Onsen is a cure-all, but we can say with certainty that it is the real deal.
More on Kamiyamada Onsen's effects here.
軽井沢ファンになちゃったI've become a Karuizawa Fan
2008.07.15: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano軽井沢観光協会に呼んで頂いて、軽井沢町をインバウンド関係の方々と一日回りました。テーマは「雨の日でも楽しめる」と言う事で、楽焼やグラス吹き、皮グッズ造り、Sausage造り、体験コースたっぷりの楽しい一日でした。個人的に軽井沢でしか出来ないレンタル自転車ぶらぶらや軽井沢彫工場見学の方が軽井沢らしさが出ると思いました。でも、実際にグラス吹きを始めてやってみたら「こんな楽しいことがあるんや!」と思ってしまいました。軽井沢が長野県の観光の宝物だとよく分かりました。
As a guest of their Tourism Bureau, I was invited to partake in a special 'Inbound' tour of Karuizawa. The theme was enjoying Karuizawa on a rainy day, and went around to various shops and tried our hand at making sausage, painting ceramics, blowing glass and stamping leather. While Karuizawa is also popular for its woodwork and cruising round town on rental bicycles, a day of craft-making was really enjoyable.
軽井沢観光協会はこちらClick here for Karuizawa Tourism
日本の夏の花の代表:桔梗 Bellflower: Japan's summer flower
2008.07.14: 季節 Seasons亀清の最近に植えなおした坪庭を良く見たら、この青い花が綺麗に咲いている。ガーデナーの岡田さんによると、日本の夏の花を代表する「桔梗」だそうです。この伝統的な昔ながらの日本旅館に日本の花がやはり一番合うよね!
Our most recently re-done tsubo niwa garden has this showy flower blooming now. According to our gardener, Okada-san, it is a Japanese bellflower, a summer-blooming flower native to Japan. It's a great match for our traditional Japanese inn!
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
日本の神社の美しさThe beauty of the Japanese Shrine
2008.07.13: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Naganoいつも思いますが、日本の神社の作りが美しいです。戸倉上山田温泉から車で15分ぐらいに武水別神社があります。先日は久しぶりに見ました。そして、裏側から入りました。周りのでかいケヤキの木のの緑の葉っぱと神社の建物の細かい木造の合わせがうんと綺麗でした。
I've always been impressed by the beauty of Shinto shrines in Japan. One such shrine is about 15 minutes away from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen by car: Takemizuwake Shrine in Yawata, Chikuma City. I went there for the first time in a long time a couple of days ago, and was amazed by the detailed woodwork of the main building.
This shrine was traditionally dedicated to a god of war, and was visited by many major samurai warriors. Nowadays, it's dedicated to safe driving. That's a big change!
武水別神社のHPはこちらClick here for info on Takemizuwake Shrine (Japanese only)
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
冠着山の頂上でキャンプCamping at the top of Mt. Kamuruki
2008.07.12: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano長野に引越ししてきて良かった理由の1つは周辺にキャンプが出来るところが沢山ある事です。いきなりキャンプしたいと思えば、出来ちゃう。夕べは正にそうでした。息子達を連れて、テントと寝袋をしょって、戸倉上山田温泉の裏の1252mの冠着山の頂上でキャンプした。(登山口は温泉から車で15分、そして歩いて20分で頂上に到着)。朝に早く起きたら、千曲川の谷の雲海の上からのご来光がちょうど見えて、夢のような世界でした。
One of the things I like about Nagano is being able to readily go camping. There are mountains all around us, so if you decide at the last minute to go camping, it's very easy to do. Like our sons and I decided to do last night. We packed our tents and sleeping bags, and drove to the Mt. Kamuriki (1252m) trailhead (about 15 minutes by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen), walked the 20 minutes to the top, and camped out. We woke up early in the morning, and were treated to the dream-like scene of the sun rising over the cloudy Chikuma River valley.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
選挙車の中から From inside the Sound Truck
2008.07.11: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi今週は千曲市会議員の選挙の応援活動をやっています。もう1人の若旦那のサポートです。私が始めて日本に来た時に、選挙車がうるさくて迷惑だと言う印象を受けました。まっさか私はこうやって乗るようになると思わなかった。。。
All this week I am helping out one of my fellow ryokan owners in his campaign for city council. When I first came to Japan, I thought these campaign sound trucks were obnoxiously loud. I had know idea that one day I would be riding in one!
夏はジェラートの時期だ!Summer is gelato season!
2008.07.11: グルメFoodie暑くなってきました!見事に、戸倉上山田温泉にジェラート屋さんがあります:ラヴニール。息子達と行って来ました。冷たくて美味しい!
It's starting to get hot out. Thank goodness, there is a gelato shop here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen: L'Avenir. I took our two sons there. The gelato was refreshingly cold!
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
ラヴニールのHPはこちらClick here for L'Avenir website