Michelin Proposal ミシュランへの案

2008.05.15: その他 Miscellaneous

Geisha brochure draft

A couple of months ago, The Michelin Guide to Tokyo's restaurants came out, causing quite a stir. Now the Travel Guide to Japan is being rewritten and the editors are coming through Nagano in a couple of weeks. Our onsen town got a 10 minute appointment with them, and I will be making the presentation. We will focus on our onsen's geisha with this brochure that I made. This would be a great opportunity to spread the word about our onsen to overseas guests!

この為に長野に来た:地ビール Another reason I came to Nagano: Microbrews

2008.05.14: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

My Microbrew bottle collection


As a regular contributor to NagaKnow magazine, here's an inside scoop on my next article's topic: Nagano Microbrews. You'll have to wait for the full article, but here's one of the image pictures.
Note: Here at Kamesei Ryokan we offer Yona Yona Ale, highly recommended for those of you who like microbrews.

NagaKnowのHPはこちらClick here for NagaKnow's website.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

Lots of hard work went into creating this collection


2008.05.13: プロフィール Profile


毎度です。亀清旅館の若旦那、Tyler (平) Lynchです。私のブログへようこそ。伝統的な和風旅館の外国人若旦那の生活を紹介する為のものです。日本と米国のそれぞれの良さを生かせながら、日々頑張っておりますので宜しくお願い致します。お客様に頼まれた様に、下記にてプロフィールを書きます:
生まれ・育ち:米国の西海岸のシアトル市(昔から日本と取引あり,イチロー選手!), 戌年, 血液型:赤。
学歴:地元のワシントン大学卒、国際学部専門 〔日本語の勉強も、神戸での留学も〕


Chihiro protege? ちひろの弟子?

2008.05.12: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Chihiro-style watercolor

I always ask the out-of-town guests here at Kamesei Ryokan what brought them to Nagano. A surprising number say the Chihiro Art Museum in Azumino, famous for its lovely garden.
Yesterday, our family went for a drive to check it out. (1-Point Advice: take Rt. 403 instead of the freeway. You'll get to see some of Nagano's beautiful rural countryside, as well as it being a fun, windy mountain road.)
When we went into the museum, they happened to be preparing for their Summer art classes and needed a model for pictures for the brochure. So our son Andy volunteered. Pictured is the card he created.
The outing was a nice drive, a nice garden, a nice museum, and nice timing with Andy's modeling.

ちひろ安曇野美術館のHPはこちらClick here for the Chihiro Azumino Art Museum website

母の日の記念 For Mother's Day

2008.05.11: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Mom's hand-made wall hanging

Mother's Day is rough when you're 17 time zones away from Mom. My mother in Seattle made this wall hanging. I hung it up in the guest room ("Izutsu") she stayed in last time she was here -- a little reminder of her for me. I miss you, Mom!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

ハナミズキと桜 Dogwood and Cherry trees

2008.05.10: 日米関係Culture Shock

Dogwood blossoms

Lately, everywhere I go in our town, Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, I see dogwood trees in bloom. I just found out this year that dogwood trees were a present from the US to Japan in return for Japan's gift of cherry trees. The cherry blossoms at Washington DC are famous, but at the other Washington, my home town of Seattle, we have beautiful trees from Japan, too. Now every time I see a dogwood tree, it will remind me of the good relations between the two countries.

Kara-Koro Walking からころウォーキング

2008.05.09: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

町興し in action!

Today, our town's Kara-Koro group walked the town to get a feel for priorities for development. Then in the meeting afterwards, we decided our work for the next 6 months. Putting in a foot-bath, making guide signs, working with an adviser, coordinating recruiting efforts with the geisha, etc. This is going to be like a 2nd job!

土屋さんとのサイドカー Riding Tsuchiya-san's sidecar

2008.05.09: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



Tsuchiya-san, who stayed here in February, paid us a visit today with his sidecar BMW motorbike. He gave me a ride along the Chikuma River -- what a great ride! Thank you so much for coming!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website


Misaki wants to ride!

信州大勝館観賞 Seeing the Taisho-Kan show

2008.05.08: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


A couple of months ago, Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's last strip joint threw in the towel (?) and quit business. In its place, Taisho-Kan opened up, bringing bringing performance groups from Tokyo's Asakusa district to do geisha-inspired drag shows. I have to be honest here, I'm not sure if watching guys dressed as girls appeals to me more than girls undressing so I've been hesitant to go. However, I have been put in charge of making a pamphlet on our town's geisha tradition, including Taisho-Kan, so today I went for, err, research purposes.
The show consists of 3 acts, the 1st was solo and group dancing, the 2nd was a yakuza-geisha play, the 3rd was like the 1st but with more emphasis on individual talents. The dancing was an impressive display of traditional Japanese dance, and by the looks on the faces of the real geisha in the audience, the guys were very talented. There's just something disconcerting about seeing the beautiful flowing movement of the silk kimonos, but underneath seeing hairy legs. I will say this, though: I'd like to go see the performance a second time. And that's more than I could say for the building's previous incarnation.

個人踊り Solo Dance


劇Geisha-Yakuza play

Actors out front after the show

露天風呂庭に初石楠花 First rhodie in our Outdoor Bath's garden

2008.05.07: その他 Miscellaneous

白い石楠花White Rhodie

This morning when I went to go clean the outdoor bath, I was pleasantly surprised to see the rhodendron next to the bath had blossomed so beautifully with this white flower. Rhodies are the state flower from my home state, Washington.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website