授業後の休職:2年2組 Eating lunch w/ the kids after the class
The International Office of Chikuma City had me go to our local Kamiyamada Elementary School today to help out with an English class. Kami-sho (as it's known) is already fairly international, with students' backgrounds ranging from Thai and Korean and Chinese to American (our son) and (until recently) Hungarian. But some of the students don't have an opportunity to meet foreigners, so more than teaching English, my role is to let the students interact with a real-live 'gaijin'. And, hopefully, I shared some of my American culture with the students.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website.

1年生休み時間 1st Graders Recess

2年1組 2nd Grader working magic w/ traditional toy