This morning, the Ozaki party's children fed our koi fish in the pond in our naka-niwa garden. The fish sure looked happy!
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
This morning, the Ozaki party's children fed our koi fish in the pond in our naka-niwa garden. The fish sure looked happy!
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
戸倉上山田温泉から車で10分ぐらいで「さらしなの里 古代体験パーク」があります。写真の様に、縄文時代の建物があって、歴史資料館もあるので子供達が縄文の時代の体験が出来ます。石の飾り作り、火の付け方、土器作りなど、楽しいこといっぱい!
'Sarashina Ancient Experience Park' is about 10 minutes from Kamesei by car. Here you can see real-sized replicas of dwellings from the Jomon Era, and try your hand at many different types of pre-historic arts and crafts. Our kids enjoyed making stone pendants today.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan's website
Today the sky was so clear, you could see Togakushi Mountain and the Northern Alps from Arato-jyo, the mountain castle above our town.
亀清旅館のHPはこちら Click here for Kamesei Ryokan's website
Andy climbing
How can you escape the heat this summer? I found out a great way today: rock climbing at Kamuriki Mountain. Our oldest son and I went today with a friend that's an instructor, and had a blast. The view from the mountain's thumb-like Bokodake-iwa projection was spectacular, and the breeze was nice and cool. If interested in climbing, we'd be happy to set you up.
亀清旅館のHPはこちら Click here for Kamesei Ryokan's website
Swan boats on Lake Hijiri
Beat the heat by heading to the highlands. Today we went to Hijiri Highlands and paddled the duck boats, had lunch at the Lake Side Restaurant (features local ingredients) and road the 'Skyrider' tobaggon. The Hijiri Museum is also a big hit with the kids. Hijiri Lake is approx. 30 minutes from Kamesei Ryokan by windy mountain road.
Back on my home planet, summer vacation is a time for kids to play. Here, kids have to wake up extra early to gather at 6:20am for 'Radio Exercises'.
Tanabata Bling
What's Tanabata, you may be asking? It's a legend about two star-crossed lovers, Altair and Vega, and their once-a-year pairing across the Milky Way. (For Wikipedia's version, click the title.) The festival is celebrated with lots of bling, like the one our kids and I made here at Kamesei Ryokan (pictured).
Our town's huge fireworks display is 07-August. Leading up to that, we have had mini-displays on the 1st, 3rd and today, the 5th. With the pretty reflections off Chikuma River and the sound reverbrating from the surrounding mountains, fireworks here in Togura Kamiyamada are spectacular.
Nagano is fortunate to have such beautiful nature, but one thing it is missing is: the ocean! Today our family took our once-a-year trip to the beach. We had a blast playing in the surf. Thanks to the freeway, it's just a one hour trip. Here is a pic of the sun setting into the ocean.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
This summer's big project is making an outdoor bath behind Kamesei Ryokan. The hot spring mineral bath itself is ready for bathing, so now I'm working on the surrounding garden. The first step is putting together a sort of oil rig that was used to drill the onsen wells in the area. I got the timbers from the Onsen Company (they were going to be thrown away) and put them in place, as shown in the picture. The derrick will provide some privacy from the apartment behind us, as well as giving a sense of onsen history. There's still lots of work left to be done on it, but we're off to a good start!
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