Monthly Archives: 1月 2007
苺狩り Stawberries
2007.01.21: 日米関係Culture Shock
Picking Strawberries Indoors?
Back home, strawberry picking is done outside in a field, in the summer time. Here, it's done in the winter time in a greenhouse!
2007.01.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to NaganoInn-turned-studio
2007.01.19: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan町の旅館青年部の行事として、亀清のロビーがアートギャラリーに変身しました。2月14日まで政森暁美様と言う版画の作家の作品が展示しております。そして、政森様ご自身が1月19日までロビーで作品製作をなされています。その作業を見るのに素晴らしい機会です!
Kamesei's lobby has been transformed into an art gallery. We will be displaying the works of wood block print artist Akemi Masamori until 14-Feb. Mrs. Masamori herself is staying with us until 19-Jan and making her works of art here in our lobby.
2007.01.12: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan初馬
2007.01.07: その他 Miscellaneousスノーマン Frosty!?
2007.01.07: その他 Miscellaneous
It snowed practically all day today, so with our kids and some neighborhood friends, we built a big snowman. We built it American-style, with three balls instead of 2 as is the style here in Japan.
2007.01.07: その他 Miscellaneous
Lively entertainment
A group of guests tonight invited a couple of geisha-san for entertainment. With their beautiful kimonos, and their lively conversation, the geisha-san add so much to the gathering. The charm of the geisha is two-fold: culture and this type of 'omotenashi'.
Go fly a kite!
2007.01.02: 日米関係Culture Shock
Here in Japan, people fly kites for New Years. So I took our two boys down to the banks of the Chikuma River and flew our kite in the cold winter breeze. Hmm, maybe that's why back in the States we wait 'til June -- much warmer!