Pampas Grass
On the banks of the Chikuma River, waves and waves of pampas grass are in bloom. Today our boys and I took a bicycle ride down to see them.
Pampas Grass
On the banks of the Chikuma River, waves and waves of pampas grass are in bloom. Today our boys and I took a bicycle ride down to see them.
Fragrant Fields
温泉街の近辺にこんな綺麗な場所あるんや!千曲川の側に広いラベンダーの畑は三つもあります。温泉のホテルの並びや戸隠がバックで、ラベンダーの特徴な紫の色に、そしてその良い香り。。。 ロマンチックですね。ここで、うちの長男がお母さんにラベンダーのブーケを。
So pretty of a place so close to our town?!?! 3 huge fields of beautiful, fragrant lavender on the banks of the Chikuma River, with the inns and hills of the town in the near background, and Togakushi Mtn. in the distance. How romantic! How about a lavender bouquet?
Jack o' Lantern
15日に温泉街で市のハロウィーン祭りが行われて、私が実行委員長として活躍して、地元の子供たち130人が仮装を付け、Trick or Treatでお菓子をもらいに回りました。子供達の笑顔で言えば大成功でした。余ったかぼちゃの約50個がうちの玄関の前で飾ってありますので見に来て下さい。
Our town's Halloween Party was held on the 15th. We had 130 costumed kids trick-or-treating around the spa's business district, with myself in charge of the organizing committee. There are about 50 pumpkins decorating the front of our inn - quite festive!
I had no idea there are so many different varieties of wild mushrooms out there. Our town put on a display of dozens of varities, all picked yesterday in the nearby mountains. Mushroom picking, anyone?