森「杏の里」あんずまつりへ若女将とデート Going on a Date to Mori's Apricot Blossom Festival

2010.04.09: 季節 Seasons



Chikuma City's signature event, the apricot blossoms in Mori "Apricot Village", is going strong. Today I took Mari for a drive to see the flowers, and they were in full bloom. This weekend, April 10th and 11th, should be perfect timing to see the blossoms in full glory. So if you were looking for somewhere to go and see spring flowers this weekend, I highly suggest Mori and the apricot blossoms. And if you go to Mori, be sure to stop by Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, too. We are only 20 minutes away by car.

With the Northern Alps in the background


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