「梅雨」は英語に直せば「Rainy Season」や「Monsoon」だそうです。「夕立」は何でしょう。とにかく、私の地元のシアトルはもともと雨の多い町ですが、日本みたいに決まった時期(梅雨)もいきなりの(そしてあっという間に終わっちゃう)夕立の様な大雨もないです。そのうち、台風も始まるでしょう。シアトルのやわらかいあめが懐かしい!
Japan has its "tsuyu" rainy (monsoon?) season in June/July. Tonight we had a huge, but brief, downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning, called a "yuudachi" (evening shower). My hometown of Seattle is knowns as a rainy city, but we don't have a specific rainy season or flash downpours. Pretty soon Japan will also start its typhoon season. I'm starting to miss the gentle rains of Seattle...