知識時の十一面観音のまつり Chishikiji Temple Annual Festival

2008.04.17: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Fellow Lion Dancers at the Chishikiji Festival

Every April 17th, our local Buddhist temple, Chishikiji, holds its "11-Faced Kannnon (Goddess of Mercy) Festival". The Kannon figure is usually put away for the rest of year, and is brought out for viewing on this one day. The monks also do a special ceremony where they fan out the pages of the sacred scirpts to keep the paper from deteriating.
We had a couple of guests staying from the UK, so I invited them along to see the festival. It is an extremely local festival, and has lost a lot of its popularity in recent years. The Brits and I and some of the locals were lamenting the loss of traditions in our respective countries. But there is something bittersweet that I like about these local traditions. Today I took part in the Okagura Lion Dance, with my shishi flute. In this way, I hope to support the local traditions.

Fanning the Scriptures Ceremony


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