For all of you who worked hard with your fellow office-mates or group members, it's time to celebrate your endeavors with an End-of-the-Year party. Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we are offering a special weekday 10,000 yen plan for 'bonenkai'. We built a new banquet room this year to make your gatherings even more enjoyable. Call us for details.
忘年会 週末空き状況 (10月27日現在)Availability
10/31 金 △
11/01 土 △
11/07 金 ◎
11/08 土 〇
11/14 金 ◎
11/15 土 X
11/21 金 ◎
11/22 土 X
11/23 日 △
11/28 金 ◎
11/29 土 X
12/05 金 ◎
12/06 土 X
12/12 金 ◎
12/13 土 〇
12/19 金 △
12/20 土 △
12/21 日 △
12/26 金 ◎
12/27 土 〇