女湯の新しいマスコット「六蔵さん」 New mascot for the Ladies Bath: Rokuzo-San

2013.03.20: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




We commissioned a local ceramic artist, Agnes-san, to make a turtle for our ladies bath. We will place it on the onsen spout.

Originally from Hungary, Agnes uses her European stylistics with traditional Japanese ceramic techniques in her art. She matched the grey colors of the bath's tiles with a splash of blues and greens. A beautiful, colorful addition to the bath, one that our guests will be sure to enjoy as they soak in the onsen bath.

In Japanese, turtle is usually called 'kame' as in Kamesei. However, there is another way to call it: Rokuzo. Roku means 6, as in a turtle's 6 appendages that retract into its storehouse, or 'zo', shell. So that's what we're calling this new creation by Agnes: Rokuzo-San. What do you think of that as a name for the bath -- Rokuzo-buro?


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