雪景色は飽きない Never Tire of Snowy Scenes

2013.02.23: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's naka-niwa garden with snow


亀清旅館: 雪景色の合う宿!

How can one ever get tired of seeing a beautiful winter scene like this? This year has seen a lot more snow than usual, so we have been treated to these type of crystal white scenes a lot. Kamesei Ryokan, with its nakaniwa central garden (pictured), the small gardens of the hanare-fu semi-detached guestrooms, pocket gardens throughout, and the gardens for our two of our outdoor baths, all of these gardens make for a naturally beautiful setting for when it snows. And you can't beat soaking in our 100-Year Bath as the snowflakes fall on your face.

Kamesei Ryokan -- perfect for enjoying snowy scenes.

Snow Falling on Sarashina


Not just our inn, but our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada and the Chikuma River as well the surrounding mountains also look extra beautiful when it snows. Pictured is the entrance to Sarashina Shrine. It reminds me of the novel "Snow Falling on Cedars" whose setting is close to my hometown of Seattle.


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