千曲市会議員選挙x新幹線駅 Chikuma City Election x New Shinkansen Station

2012.07.15: その他 Miscellaneous

Election campaign -- tools of the trade






All this week, Chikuma City is full of loud campaign cars circling all the neighborhoods -- Sunday is the City Assembly election. One of my fellow innkeepers is in the running so I have been helping out by riding in the noisy sound van and waving to everybody.

One of the hottest topics for this election is whether or not to build a new bullet train station on the Nagano Shinkansen line. Our mayor is pushing for it regardless of the fact that it would be built on one of the shortest sections of the track. There are only 33.2 kilometers between the current Ueda and Nagano Stations -- a 12 minute span at Shinkansen speeds.

Besides, it is questionable why enormous sums of tax money would be spent on access when so much work needs to be done to increase the appeal of our town first.

One good example is Zermatt, Switzerland. It is one of the most inconvenient places to go to on earth, yet has one of the highest rates of repeat visitors.

Our mayor has a "Build it and they will come" philosophy, but I think efforts need to be made to increase the reasons to come, first.


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