戸倉上山田は杏狩りシーズン最中 Togura Kamiyamada in the Middle of Apricot Picking Season

2012.06.26: 季節 Seasons

Tangy tart apricots right off the tree!



Here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, late June and early July means apricot picking time. 25 minutes away by car is the Mori "Apricot Village" which is the largest apricot producing area in Japan. Not only do several orchards offer u-pick, but you can also learn how to make apricot jam and sauces. Several of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan come every year to make jam.

Even closer, Togura's Wakamiya district has several apricot orchards right along the Chikuma River. We can introduce one of the growers for our guests that want to try their hand at picking fresh apricots. Recently we had a couple from Finland stay with us. Our kids came along and we took them down to the orchard. Fresh apricots right off the tree have such an intense tang to them!

戸倉の杏「杏宝園」Togura Apricot Orchard Kyohoen

Kyohoen's apricot processing line


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