史上最強のゆるキャラ登場: 戸倉上山田温泉の「おんせんまんじゅサン」!地元のAtelier Bambooの佐藤さんがデザインして、そしてこんな携帯ストラップを作りました。メイド・イン・チャイナではなくて、メイドイン上山田、佐藤さんの手作業で。
Everywhere you go in Japan, you come across funky image characters. Well, you've never seen one like this -- Onsen Manju-san. He's the toughest image character in history, and he represents our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada!
Local craftsman, Satoh-san from Atelier Bamboo, came up with the idea for Onsen Manju-san, and made a bunch of cell phone straps with the character. These ain't Made in China -- their Made in Kamiyamada by Satoh-san's own hands!
There is only a limited number available, and we here at Kamesei managed to get a small allotment of them. The Onsen Manju-san key holders are available at our front desk for 400 yen each.