お風呂のアメニティー改善 Improving Kamesei's Bath Goods

2010.01.09: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




This is no big deal, probably not even worth writing about, but we recently improved the amenities in our onsen baths. We went from Rinse-in-Shampoo to separate Shampoo and Rinse. Several female customers had voiced such a preference, so we finally made the step up to the 3-Item Set (Shampoo, Rinse, Body Soap.) After seeing how cool the 3-Item Set looks, it makes me wonder how our guests put up with the old Rinse-in-Shampoo & Body Soap 2-Item Set.

While I received flack for the decision ("The 3-Item Set just costs more -- there won't be any increase in customers, and no one's going to become a repeat customer just because the rinse and shampoo are separate!"), part of a ryokan's "omotenashi" is to make each and every guest happy. So while a small improvement in the bath amenities is nothing, on the other hand, attention to small details like that is everything at a Japanese ryokan.


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