亀清旅館に鬼が来た!Kamesei Ryokan attacked by an Ogre!

2011.02.04: 季節 Seasons

Beware the Oni





Yesterday an Oni (ogre) attacked Kamesei Ryokan. Right after the Preschool bus showed up, an oni walked right into our lobby.

Wait a minute, that's just our daughter Misaki wearing an oni mask!

It's all in honor of Setsubun, the day that marks the changing of the seasons between winter and spring. In the afternoon, I took some guests up to the temple at the top of the hill behind town to participate in the celebrity bean throwing event. At night our family all ate Ehou-maki sushi rolls. "Ehou" means 'fortunate direction', and you eat the rolls facing a certain compass direction for good luck. This year it was South-Southeast. (Who decides these things -- the groundhog?)

All in all, it was a busy Setsubun.

'Twas a beautiful day for bean throwing


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