この戸倉上山田温泉の版画家 若林 文夫 さん
森地区の杏の里の古民家をRescueして、ギャラリーとして使っている版画家 森 獏朗 さん
JCでお世話になっているフラワーアート作家 柿崎 順一 さん
当団体のリーダー、稲荷山の陶芸家 近藤 しろう さん
期間 11月20日(土)~23日(火)
場所 あんずホールの小ホール 026-273-1880
Chikuma City's resident artists formed a group last year ('Chikuma Art Kyoukai'). This weekend they are putting on their 2nd annual art show "Art Now 2010" at Anzu Hall, our city's main event location. This is a great chance to see the works of our city's talented artists, many of which I have had the pleasure of meeting, including:
Fumio Wakabayashi (wood block print artist from right here in Kamiyamada Onsen)
Mori Bakuro (wood block print artist from Mori)
Junichi Kakizaki (flower modern art; my buddy from the JC's)
Kondo Shiro (ceramicist from Inariyama and the leader of this group)
and many more, a total of about 20 artists. Yamazaki-san, the stained glass artist the kids and I visited last week, is also a member but won't be exhibiting this time.
The show runs from 20-Nov (Sat) through 23-Nov (Tues) from 9am to 5pm. For more info, check out the website.